Most Patients Wary of End-of-Life Care, Senior Healthcare Experience


According to research from the National Partnership for Healthcare and Hospice Innovation, only 4% of Americans believe the healthcare sector is ready to handle a growing senior population. Communication about senior care options and patient confidence in senior clinical quality are two major issues with the healthcare experience. Nearly 2,000 […]

Top 5 Confidential Computing Uses In Healthcare


Health information is private and individualised. It’s imperative to preserve it that way for both ethical and legal reasons. Although government laws like HIPAA have received a lot of attention recently, tech companies are still considering how to put them into practise. Many businesses attempt to package privacy in various […]

Why Digital Healthcare Is Important


Importance Of Digital Healthcare It goes without saying that the pandemic drastically accelerated the digitization of our life, with the widespread use of teleconferencing in modern society serving as the most glaring example of this trend. But that’s only the very beginning. The rise of digital healthcare is perhaps the […]

New Plans Clarify Healthcare Pricing Transparency – Finally


New Plans Clarify Healthcare Pricing Transparency – Finally There is no greater opacity in health policy than price transparency. Insurance companies and hospitals tend to say that health care has no place because medical care is more complicated than cars and groceries. Other skeptics say transparency rules are too hard […]

The Importance Of Psychology In The Business World


The Importance Of Psychology In The Business World : Businesses have benefited from psychologists’ assistance in improving employee relations and boosting profits. The role that was previously added to the management of human resources in businesses has been taken over by more qualified professionals to deal with such problems, such […]

Can The Metaverse Drive The Metamorphosis Of Healthcare?


It is appropriate that the parallel realities offered by the metaverse paint an upbeat future while reality post-Covid-19 becomes more and more burdened with economic, geopolitical, and social headwinds. A global technological gold rush has been sparked by the metaverse’s potential to revolutionise entertainment, employment, commerce, and social life; yet, […]

How Technology Is Solving Healthcare Problems


Solving Healthcare Problems : It is understandable why hospitals are having difficulties given the expanding demands of the healthcare sector. Health care organisations are taking steps to address issues and provide top-notch services, from researching health concerns to protecting patient privacy. Modern technological technologies that have made it possible to […]