International Conference on Gastroenterology

20 -22 April  2023 | Orlando, Florida, USA
Magnus Group is delighted to welcome you to take part and share your research findings and expertise at its “International Conference on Gastroenterology” – Hybrid Event during April 20-22, 2023 in Orlando, FL, USA and Virtually. The conference will proceed on the theme “Gastroenterology: A view through the scope.” Gastroenterology is the study of the function and diseases of the throat, small digestive tract, stomach, colon and rectum, bile channels, gallbladder, pancreas and liver. Gastrointestinal and liver diseases are the major social issue worldwide, putting a significant strain on national health-care budgets and serving as the single most common cause of disease death. Latest biological and medical breakthroughs have explained the causes of chronic liver inflammation and resulted in the development of new treatments for a variety of liver diseases.

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Neuroscience Expo: Migraine and Brain Health

Rebecca Erwin Wells, M.D., MPH, FAHS, neurologist in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, discusses migraine and brain health. Topics include: – Strategies to improve brain health in patients with migraine – Options and opportunities for patients with migraine This presentation was a part of the Norton Neuroscience Institute Neuro Expo an annual […]
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