To improve the patient experience, Veristat joins the Decentralized Trials & Research Alliance (DTRA).

patient experience
To improve the patient experience, Veristat joins the Decentralized Trials & Research Alliance (DTRA).

Veristat announces that it has joined an alliance of more than 120 healthcare and life science companies whose goal is to hasten the widespread implementation of patient-centered, decentralised clinical trials. Healthcare providers, government agencies, patient advocacy groups, and organisations engaged in clinical research and development are just a few of the industry participants represented by the Decentralized Trials & Research Alliance (DTRA).

The Alliance is dedicated to ensuring that clinical trial participation is widely accessible by advancing regulations, methodologies, and cutting-edge technological advancements in decentralised clinical studies.

“I am delighted to welcome Veristat to DTRA”, “By advancing decentralized research, we can make the clinical trial process more patient-centric, increase trial efficiency, and encourage the use of technology.”

Amir Kalali, MD, founder of several collaborative life science communities and co-chairman of DTRA.

Decentralized clinical trials can benefit research locations, the clinical trial procedure, and the patient experience as compared to more conventional methods of conducting clinical trials. Although there are numerous ways to decentralise a trial, Veristat’s approach to decentralised clinical trials reduces the burden on patients and sites by using decentralised and tailored solutions, such as remote monitoring, patient-reported outcomes, centralised sites, electronic consent, and nursing home care. Additionally, Veristat has established a website that focuses on increasing patient interaction, call centre intake,

“The disruption of the traditional clinical trial model has served as an accelerator for the adoption of bold, new and inclusive approaches in conducting decentralized clinical trials for advanced therapies”, “Leveraging virtual trial tools and strategies designed for complex studies supports Veristat’s goal of reducing patient burden, while improving trial efficiency to save time. and money for our sponsors.”

Shaheen Limbada, executive vice president, innovation and strategy, Veristat.

As the world appears to be emerging from COVID-related lockdowns, the advantages of having decentralised and virtual trial components are that these components in clinical trials can reduce the pressure to participate and patient movement, which are the main obstacles to patient recruitment and retention. Decentralized methods also make it possible to incorporate a wider range of patients.

It has traditionally been difficult to include diverse patient populations in clinical trials, including those from diverse racial, age, and geographic backgrounds. The most recent information on the representation of racial and ethnic minorities in clinical trials is provided to facilitate relevant diversity. The recommended practise is for sponsors to submit an early clinical development racial and ethnic diversity plan to the FDA.

“Now is the time to share ideas and insights that will pave the way for future clinical trials, accelerating drug development and impacting the lives of patients”, “By joining DTRA, Veristat joins the many entities that contribute to this mission. We have a responsibility to advance the health of people with unmet medical needs, and by bringing stakeholders together we can lower remaining barriers to adoption and positive impact for patients.”

Craig Lipset, Co-Chair of DTRA.

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